Virtual Tone Wheel Organ Collection
Virtual Tone Wheel Organ Collection
Prog&Metal Collection Vol.2 created by Chrism
Artist's Signature Sound Collection made by Janne Wirman of Children of Bodom
Artist's studio and live sounds collection by Mark Basile
XV-5080 Collection Preset Bank B
XV-5080 Collection Preset Bank A
The "all-star" sound collection for rock and pop
Old-school keys from the sixties, seventies, and eighties
The "all-star" sound collection for rock and pop
Need some leads?
Need some leads?
Beautiful bells and useful EP, clav, and organs
Beautiful bells and useful EP, clav, and organs
Legendary D-50 Tones for the INTEGRA-7
Acoustic flavors with synth sprinkles
Acoustic flavors with synth sprinkles
Old-school keys from the sixties, seventies, and eighties
Synths from the past, and for the future
Synths from the past, for the future
Fill up your JUPITER-50 with new pad sounds